de Ensino
de OpenGL: 8.
Trabalhando com Modelos e Conjuntos de Objetos
tutorial é baseado principalmente em uma tradução
do OpenGL Tutorial de Jeff
Molofee & Neon Helium e está constantemente sendo
extendido com novos exemplos e material teórico que fundamenta as
técnicas descritas. Algumas partes ainda não foram completamente
traduzidas e pedimos desculpas ao leitor por apresentar texto em inglês.
Na medida do possível todas as técnicas e exemplos descritos
aqui foram testados e avaliados. Comentários
sobre o tutorial são bem-vindos. |
Aqui é apresentado
um conjunto de tutoriais que ensina a utilizar as principais técnicas
de operação sobre conjuntos e modelos de objetos..
Listas de Display - Trabalhando com Conjuntos de Objetos
Morphing e Carga de Objetos a partir de Arquivos
Carga de Modelos
Listas de Display - Trabalhando com Conjuntos de Objetos
to know how to speed up you OpenGL programs? Tired of writing lots of code
every time you want to put an object on the screen? If so, this tutorial
is definitely for you. Learn how to use OpenGL display lists. Prebuild
objects and display them on the screen with just one line of code. Speed
up your programs by using precompiled objects in your programs. Stop writing
the same code over and over. Let display lists do all the work for you!
In this tutorial we'll build the Q-Bert pyramids using just a few lines
of code thanks to display lists. |
Morphing e Carga de Objetos a partir de Arquivos
tutorial code was written by Piotr Cieslak. Learn how to load simple objects
from a text file, and morph smoothly from one object into another. The
effect in this tutorial has to be seen to be appreciated. The effect taught
in this demo can be used to animated objects similar to the swimming dolphin
in my Dolphin demo, or to twist and bend objects into many different shapes.
You can also modify the code to use lines or solid polygons. Great effect!
Hope you appreciate Piotr's work! |
Carga de Modelos
Porter is the author of this tutorial. What can I say... Another incredible
tutorial! This tutorial will teach you how to load in and display texture
mapped Milkshape3D models. This tutorial is quite advanced so make sure
you understand the previous tutorials before you attempt the code in this
tutorial. It sounds as though Brett is planning a future tutorial on Skeletal
so if you enjoy this tutorial, show him your support! Email him and let
him know you appreciate his work! |