ine 5341 





Plano de Ensino

Tutorial de OpenGL: 6. Técnicas Avançadas de Iluminação

Lesson 2

Este tutorial é baseado principalmente em uma tradução do OpenGL Tutorial de Jeff Molofee & Neon Helium e está constantemente sendo  extendido com novos exemplos e material teórico que fundamenta as técnicas descritas.
Na medida do possível todas as técnicas e exemplos descritos aqui foram testados e avaliados. Comentários sobre o tutorial são bem-vindos.

Aqui é apresentado um conjunto de tutoriais que ensina a utilizar os recursos avançados de iluminação: Névoas, Reflexos Especulares e Sombras. Para fazer os exercícios propostos aqui você deve ter visto pelo menos as partes básicas sobre iluminação e transparência descritas antes.


6.1. Efeitos de Névoa

6.2. Técnicas Avançadas de Reflexão e Clipping e o Stencil Buffer

6.3. Sombras

Lesson 16
6.1. Efeitos de Névoa

This tutorial code was generously donated to the site by Chris Aliotta. It based on the code from lesson 7, that why you're seeing the famous crate again :) It's a pretty short tutorial aimed at teaching you the art of fog. You'll learn how to use 3 different fog filters, how to change the color of the fog, and how to set how far into the screen the fog starts and how far into the screen it ends. Definitely a nice effect to know!

Lesson 27
6.2. Técnicas Avançadas de Reflexão e Clipping e o Stencil Buffer

This tutorial was written by Banu Cosmin. It demonstrates how to create extremely realistic reflections using the stencil buffer, clipping, and multi-texturing. This tutorial is more advanced than previous tutorials, so please make sure you've read the previous tutorials before jumping in. It's also important to note this tutorial will not run on video cards that do not support the stencil buffer (voodoo 1, 2, perhaps more). If you appreciate Banu's work, let him know!

Lesson 28
6.3. Sombras

This is an advanced tutorial. Before you decide to try out shadows, make sure you completely understand the base code, and make sure you are familiar with the stencil buffer. This tutorial was made possible by both Banu Cosmin & Brett Porter. Banu wrote the original code. Brett cleaned the code up, combined it into one file, and wrote the HTML for the tutorial. The effect is amazing! Shadows that actual wrap around objects, and distort on the walls and floor. Thanks to Banu and Brett for their hard work, this is truely a great tutorial!