de Ensino
de OpenGL: 7. Superfícies
Curvas e Moles
tutorial é baseado principalmente em uma tradução
do OpenGL Tutorial de Jeff
Molofee & Neon Helium e está constantemente sendo
extendido com novos exemplos e material teórico que fundamenta as
técnicas descritas. Algumas partes ainda não foram completamente
traduzidas e pedimos desculpas ao leitor por apresentar texto em inglês.
Na medida do possível todas as técnicas e exemplos descritos
aqui foram testados e avaliados. Comentários
sobre o tutorial são bem-vindos. |
Aqui é apresentado
um conjunto de tutoriais que ensina a utilizar algumas das técnicas
de representação de curvas e superfícies paramétricas
disponíveis em OpenGL e também uma técnicas de mapeamento
de mapas de bit sobre superfícies moles drapejantes (flâmulas)..
Além das técnicas
descritas abaixo, OpenGL suporta ainda B-Splines não uniformes racionais
(NURBS). Ainda não encontramos material bom para criar um tutorial
sobre isso. Ficamos devendo.
Curvas e Superfícies Quadráticas
Mapeamento de Esferas usando Quadráticas
Superfícies de Bézier
O Efeito Flâmula
Curvas e Superfícies Quadráticas
tutorial code was written by GB Schmick the wonderful site op over at TipTup.
It will introduce you to the wonderful world of quadratics. With quadratics
you can easily create complex objects such as spheres, discs, cylinders
and cones. These object can be created with just one line of code. With
some fancy math and planning it should be possible to morph these objects
from one object into another. Please let GB Schmick know what you think
of the tutorial, it's always nice when visitors contribute to the site,
it benefits us all. Everyone that has contributed a tutorial or project
deserves credit, please let them know their work is appreciated! |
Mapeamento de Esferas usando Quadráticas
tutorial code was written by GB Schmick and is based on his quadratics
tutorial. In lesson about texture mapped fonts
I talked a little bit about sphere mapping. I explained how to auto-generate
texture coordinates, and how to set up sphere mapping, but because lesson
15 was fairly simple I decided to keep the tutorial simple, leaving out
alot of details in regards to sphere mapping. Now that the tutorials are
a little more advanced it's time to dive into the world of sphere mapping.
TipTup did an excellent job on the tutorial, so if you appreciate his work,
let him know! |
Superfícies Bicúbicas de Bézier
Nikdel is the man behind this super cool tutorial. Learn how to create
bezier patches. Learn how to alter a surface by modifying control points.
The surface being altered is fully texture mapped, the animation is smooth!
Left and Right arrow keys rotate the object while the Up and Down arrows
raise and lower the resolution. This tutorial also eliminates the fullscreen
problems a few of you have been having! Thanks to David for modifying the
code! If you appreciate his work, let him know! |
O Efeito Flâmula
tutorial code brought to you by Bosco. The same guy that created the totally
cool mini demo called worthless. He enjoyed everyones reaction to his demo,
and decided to go one step further and explain how he does the cool effect
at the end of his demo. This tutorial builds on the code from lesson 6.
By the end of the tutorial you should be able to bend fold and manipulate
textures of your own. It's definitely a nice effect, and alot better than
flat non moving textures. If you enjoy the tutorial, please email bosco
and let him know. |