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The goal in initializing a radial basis function network is the optimal
computation of link weights between hidden and output layer. Here the
problem arises that the centers
(i.e. link weights
between input and hidden layer) as well as the parameter p (i.e.\
the bias of the hidden units) must be set properly. Therefore,
three different initialization procedures have been implemented which
perform different tasks:
- RBF_Weights: This procedure first selects evenly
distributed centers
from the loaded training patterns and
assigns them to the links between input and hidden layer. Subsequently
the bias of all neurons (parameter p) inside the hidden layer is set
to a value determined by the user and finally the links between hidden
and output layer are computed.
- RBF_Weights_Redo: In contrast to the preceding procedure
only the links between hidden and output layer are computed. All other
links and bias remain unchanged.
- RBF_Weights_Kohonen: Using the self--organizing method
of Kohonen feature maps, appropriate centers are generated on base of
the teaching patterns. The computed centers are copied into the
corresponding links. No other links and bias are changed.
It is necessary that valid patterns are loaded into SNNS to use the
initialization. If no patterns are present upon starting any of the
three procedures an alert box will occur showing the error. A detailed
description of the procedures and the parameters used is given in the
following paragraphs.
Tue Nov 28 10:30:44 MET 1995