In the link panel the connections special to TDNNs can be defined. In TDNNs links always lead from the receptive field in a source plane to one or more units of a target plane. Note, that a receptive field has to be specified only once for each plane and is automatically applied to all possible delay steps in that plane. figure gives an example of a receptive field specification and the network created thereby.
Figure: An example TDNN construction and the resulting network
Figure: Two receptive fields in one layer
It is possible to specify seperate receptive fields for different feature units. With only one receptive field for all feature units, a "1" has to be specified in the input window for "1st feature unit:". For a second receptive field, the first feature unit should be the width of the first receptive field plus one. Of course, for all number of receptive fields, the sum of their width has to equal the number of feature units! An example network with two receptive fields is depicted in figure