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Figure: Edit panels for unit prototypes (f-types) and sites
shows the panels to edit unit
prototypes (f-types) and sites. The change of the f-type is performed
on all units of that type. Therefore, the functionality of all units
assigned to an f-type can easily be changed. The elements in the panel
have the following meaning:
: Selects of the activation and output function.
: Chooses the f-type to be changed.
: Makes the settings/changes permanent. Changes in
the site list are not set (see below).
: Creates or deletes an f-type.
: F-types also specify the
sites of a unit. Therefore these two buttons are necessary to
add/delete a site in the site list.
Note: The number and the selection of sites can not be changed
after the creation of an f-type.
The elements in the edit panel for sites are almost identical. A site
is selected for change by clicking at it in the site list.
: Selects the new site function. The change is
performed in all sites in the net with the same name.
: Validates changes/settings.
: Creates a new site.
: Deletes the site marked in the site list.
Tue Nov 28 10:30:44 MET 1995