The I2TS 2010 organized by the Military Institute of Engineering (IME), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State - UNIRIO, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (Minas Gerais State southeast) and Federal University of Santa Catarina will be held in UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro City, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.
The 9th International Information and Telecommunication Technologies Symposium (I2TS'2010) serves as an international forum for people from academia, industry and research labs, for presenting recent results in information and telecommunication technologies research and applications. Authors of best regular papers are invited to submit extended version to IEEE R9 Latin America Transactions, internationally indexed by IEEE Xplore. The last I2TS Qualis-CAPES (2009) is B1 (engineering committee) and the Qualis-CC CAPES (2010) is B4, equivalent to the best national events.
Invited Keynote Speaker Invited Keynote Speaker

Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz Dr. Michael Stanton
Georgia Institute of Technology UFF - RNP

Academy or Sponsor Corporate Showcases