Most interface functions return an error code if the parameters
contradict each other, or if an error occurred during execution. If no
error occurred during execution of a kernel interface function, the
function returns the code: KRERR_NO_ERROR
is equal to 0. The simulator kernel can generate
54 different error messages. The error code constants are defined in
. There is also a function to translate an error
code into text:
char *krui_error( int error_code )
converts an error code to a string. The following error messages are
KRERR_NO_ERROR: No Error KRERR_INSUFFICIENT_MEM: Insufficient memory KRERR_UNIT_NO: Invalid unit number KRERR_OUTFUNC: Invalid unit output function KRERR_ACTFUNC: Invalid unit activation function KRERR_SITEFUNC: Invalid site function KRERR_CREATE_SITE: Creation of sites is not permitted because unit has direct input links KRERR_ALREADY_CONNECTED: Creation of a link is not permitted because there exists already a link between these units KRERR_CRITICAL_MALLOC: allocation failed in critical operation. KRERR_FTYPE_NAME: Ftype name is not definite KRERR_FTYPE_ENTRY: Current Ftype entry is not defined KRERR_COPYMODE: Invalid copy mode KRERR_NO_SITES: Current unit does not have sites KRERR_FROZEN: Can't update unit because unit is frozen KRERR_REDEF_SITE_NAME: Redefinition of site name not permitted (site name already exists) KRERR_UNDEF_SITE_NAME: Site name is not defined KRERR_NOT_3D: Invalid Function: Not a 3D-Kernel KRERR_DUPLICATED_SITE: Unit has already a site with this name KRERR_INUSE_SITE: Can not delete site table entry because site is in use KRERR_FTYPE_SITE: Current Ftype site is not defined KRERR_FTYPE_SYMBOL: Given symbol is not defined in the symbol table KRERR_IO: Physical I/O error KRERR_SAVE_LINE_LEN: Creation of output file failed (line length, limit exceeded) KRERR_NET_DEPTH: The depth of the network does not fit the learning function KRERR_NO_UNITS: No Units defined KRERR_EOF: Unexpected EOF KRERR_LINE_LENGTH: Line length exceeded KRERR_FILE_FORMAT: Incompatible file format KRERR_FILE_OPEN: Can not open file KRERR_FILE_SYNTAX: Syntax error at line KRERR_MALLOC1: Memory allocation error 1 KRERR_TTYPE: Topologic type invalid KRERR_SYMBOL: Symbol pattern invalid (must match [A-Za-z]^[|, ]*) KRERR_NO_SUCH_SITE: Current unit does not have a site with this name KRERR_NO_HIDDEN_UNITS: No hidden units defined KRERR_CYCLES: cycle(s): KRERR_DEAD_UNITS: dead unit(s): KRERR_INPUT_PATTERNS: Pattern file contains not the same number of input units as the network KRERR_OUTPUT_PATTERNS: Pattern file contains not the same number of output units as the network KRERR_CHANGED_I_UNITS: Number of input units has changed KRERR_CHANGED_O_UNITS: Number of output units has changed KRERR_NO_INPUT_UNITS: No input units defined KRERR_NO_OUTPUT_UNITS: No output units defined KRERR_NO_PATTERNS: No patterns defined KRERR_INCORE_PATTERNS: Incore patterns incompatible with current network (remove loaded patterns before loading network) KRERR_PATTERN_NO: Invalid pattern number KRERR_LEARNING_FUNC: Invalid learning function KRERR_PARAMETERS: Invalid parameters KRERR_UPDATE_FUNC: Invalid update function KRERR_INIT_FUNC: Invalid initialization function KRERR_DERIV_FUNC: Derivation function of the activation function does not exist KRERR_I_UNITS_CONNECT: input unit(s) with input connections to other units KRERR_O_UNITS_CONNECT: output unit(s) with output connections to other units KRERR_TOPOMODE: Invalid topological sorting mode KRERR_LEARNING_SITES: Learning function doesn't support sites KRERR_SITES_NO_SUPPORT: Sites are not supported KRERR_NO_MASPAR_KERNEL: This isn't a MasPar Kernel KRERR_NOT_NEIGHBOUR_LAYER: Connection(s) between unit(s) in non-neighbour layers are not supported KRERR_MUCH_LAYERS: The number of layers is too high KRERR_NOT_FULLY_CONNECTED: The network layers aren't fully connected KRERR_MODE_FF1_INVALID_OP: This operation is not allowed in parallel kernel mode KRERR_NET_TRANSFORM: Change of network type isn't possible in parallel kernel mode KRERR_NO_CURRENT_LINK: No current link defined KRERR_NO_CURRENT_UNIT: No current unit defined KRERR_UNIT_NO_INPUT: Current unit does't have any inputs KRERR_TOPO_DEFINITION: Invalid parameter in topologic definition section KRERR_BAD_CONNECTION: Creation of link between these units is not permitted KRERR_MASPAR_NO_RESPOND: MasPar doesn't respond KRERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET: This function isn't implemented yet KRERR_NOT_PARRALLEL_MODE: Kernel isn't in parallel mode KRERR_MASPAR_OUT_OF_PE_MEM: MasPar ran out of memory KRERR_MASPAR_COMMUNICATE: MasPar communication error KRERR_MASPAR_OUT_OF_PE: MasPar ran out of processors KRERR_MISSING_DEFAULT_FUNC: Missing default function (check function table) KRERR_MASPAR_MULTI_OUT_FUNC: MasPar kernel does not support multiple unit output functions KRERR_MASPAR_MULTI_ACT_FUNC: MasPar kernel doesn't support multiple unit activation functions KRERR_NET_DEPTH: The depth of the network does not fit to the learning function KRERR_NO_OF_UNITS_IN_LAYER: Wrong no. of units in layer KRERR_UNIT_MISSING: Unit missing or not correctly connected KRERR_UNDETERMINED_UNIT: Unit does not belong to a defined layer in the network KRERR_ACT_FUNC: Unit has wrong activation function KRERR_OUT_FUNC: Unit has wrong output function KRERR_SITE_FUNC: Unexpected site function at unit KRERR_UNEXPECTED_SITES: Unit is not expected to have sites KRERR_UNEXPECTED_DIRECT_INPUTS: Unit is expected to have sites KRERR_SITE_MISSING: Site missing at unit KRERR_UNEXPECTED_LINK: Unexpected link KRERR_LINK_MISSING: Missing link(s) to unit KRERR_LINK_TO_WRONG_SITE: Link ends at wrong site of target unit KRERR_TOPOLOGY: The network is not fitting the required topology KRERR_PARAM_BETA: Wrong beta parameter in unit bias value KRERR_CC_ERROR1: Topo_ptr_array is sorted in the wrong way KRERR_CC_ERROR2: There is no memory allocated KRERR_CC_ERROR3: Not enough memory to run Casscade KRERR_CC_ERROR4: Hidden unit with more than one recurent link detected KRERR_CC_ERROR5: Hidden unit without recurrent link found KRERR_CC_ERROR6: Hidden layer does not fit the required topology KRERR_CC_ERROR7: The first link of a hidden unit is not a recurent link KRERR_CC_ERROR8: Special unit with more than one recurent link detected KRERR_CC_ERROR9: First link of a special unit is not a recurent link KRERR_CC_ERROR10: Wrong update function KRERR_CC_ERROR11: Wrong init function DLVQ_ERROR1: There are empty classes DLVQ_ERROR2: There is a class lower than zero DLVQ_ERROR3: Wrong number of output units. DLVQ_ERROR4: This network is not fitting the required topology DLVQ_ERROR5: There isn't a unit for every class KRERR_NP_NO_MORE_ENTRIES: No more free pattern sets available KRERR_NP_NO_SUCH_PATTERN_SET: No such Pattern set defined KRERR_NP_CURRENT_PATTERN: No current pattern defined KRERR_NP_DIMENSION: Specified sub pattern does not fit into pattern KRERR_NP_NO_SUCH_PATTERN: No such pattern available KRERR_NP_NO_CURRENT_PATTERN_SET: No current pattern set defined KRERR_NP_DOES_NOT_FIT: Pattern (sub pattern) does not fit the network KRERR_NP_NO_TRAIN_SCHEME: No sub pattern shifting scheme defined KRERR_NP_NO_OUTPUT_PATTERN: Pattern contains no output information KRERR_NP_INCOMPATIBLE_NEW: New Pattern does not fit to existing set KRERR_NP_PARAM_ZERO: Illegal parameter value <= 0 specified KRERR_IP_ISNOTINITED: Paragon kernel is not initialized KRERR_IP_ISINITED: Paragon kernel is already initialized KRERR_IP_SENDMSGFAILED: Sending a message fails KRERR_IP_MSGSYNTAX: Syntax error in received message KRERR_IP_UNKNOWENCMD: Receive unknown command KRERR_IP_LESSPAT: There are less patterns than allocated nodes KRERR_IP_WEIGHTUPDATE: Weight update with global sum fails KRERR_IP_LEARNFNOTPAR: Learning function is not parallelized