This is a SNNS kernel backpropagation test program. It is a demo for using the SNNS kernel interface to train networks.
Synopsis: netlearn
unix> netlearnproduces
SNNS 3D-Kernel V 4.1
---Network learning---
Filename of the network file:
Loading the network...
Network name: letters
No. of units: 71
No. of input units: 35
No. of output units: 26
No. of sites: 0
No. of links: 610
Learning function: Std_Backpropagation
Update function: Topological_Order
Filename of the pattern file: letters.pat
loading the patterns...
Number of pattern: 26
The learning function Std_Backpropagation needs 2 input parameters:
Parameter [1]: 0.6
Parameter [2]: 0.6
Choose number of cycles: 250
Shuffle patterns (y/n) n
Shuffling of patterns disabled