The Interpreter can be used in an interactive mode or with the help of a file, containing the batch program. When using a file no input from the keyboard is necessary. The interactive mode can be activated by just calling the interpreter:
/Unix> batchman
which produces:
SNNS Batch Interpreter V1.0. Type batchman -h for help.
No input file specified, reading input from stdin.
Now the interpreter is ready to accept the user's instructions, which can be entered with the help of the keyboard. Once the input is completed the interpreter can be put to work with Ctrl-D. The interpreter can be aborted with Ctrl-C. The instructions entered are only invoked after Ctrl-D is pressed.
If the user decides to use a file for input the command line option -f has to be given together with the name of the interpreter:
/Unix> batchman -f myprog.bat
Once this is completed, the interpreter starts the program contained in the file myprog.bat and executes its commands.
The standard output is usually the screen but with the command line option -l the output can be redirected in a protocol file. The name of the file has to follow the command line option:
/Unix> batchman -l logfile
Usually the output is redirected in combination with the reading of the program out of a file:
/Unix> batchman -f myprog.bat -l logfile
The order of the command line options is arbitrary.
More command line options are:
All following input will be printed without the shell-text.