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Figure: Control Panel
The 3D-control panel is used to control the display panel. It consists
of four sections (panel):
- the transformation panels
- rotate: rotates the 3D-display along the x-, y- or z-axis
- trans: transposes the 3D-display along the x-, y- or z-axis
- scale: scales the 3D-display
- the command panel with the buttons
: basic settings like rotation angles
are selected
: switch between solid model and
wireframe model
: selects parallel or central projection
: chooses lighting parameter
: selects various unit display options
: selects link display options
: resets all 3D settings to their
original values
: freezes the 3D-display
- the panel with the buttons
: opens the 3D-display (max. one)
: closes the 3D-display window and the
3D-control window and exits the
3D visualization component
- the z-value panel: used for input of z-values either directly or
incrementally with the arrow buttons
Tue Nov 28 10:30:44 MET 1995