This section presents a short overview over the 3D user interface. The following figures show the user interface with a simple three-layer network for the recognition of letters.
The info window is located in the upper left corner of the screen. There, the values of the units can be displayed and changed. Next to it, the 2D display is placed. This window is used to create and display the network topology. The big window below is used for messages from the kernel and the user interface. The control panel in the lower left corner controls the learning process. Above it, the 3D display is located which shows the 3D visualization of the network. The 3D control window, in the center of the screen, is used to control the 3D display.
In the upper part, the orientation of the network in space can be specified. The middle part is used for the selection of various display modes. In SETUP the basic settings can be selected. With MODEL the user can switch between solid and wire-frame model display. With PROJECT parallel or central projection can be chosen. LIGHT sets the illumination parameters, while UNITS lets the user select the values for visualizing the units. The display of links can be switched on with LINKS. RESET sets the network to its initial configuration. After a click to FREEZE the network is not updated anymore. The DISPLAY button opens the 3D-display window and DONE closes it again. In the lower part of the window, the z-coordinate for the network layers can be set.