Next: Editor Commands
Up: Graphical Network Editor
Previous: Use of the
The following section briefly describes the commands of the network
editor. Capital letters denote the keys that must be hit to invoke the
command in a command sequence.
The following commands are possible within any command sequence
- Quit: quit a command
- Return: quit a command and return to normal mode (see
- Help: get help information. A help window pops up (see
As already mentioned, some operations have a different meaning if
there exist units with sites in a network. These operations are
indicated with the suffix (Sites!) and are described in more
detail in chapter
. Commands that manipulate sites
are also included in this overview. They start with the first command
- Flags Safety: sets/resets safety flag (a flag to prompt
the user before units or links are deleted; additional question, if
units with different subnet numbers are selected.)
- Link Commands:
- Links Set: sets all links between the selected units to
the weight displayed in the info panel (independent of sites)
- Links Make ...: creates or modifies connections
- Links Make Clique: connects every selected unit with every
other selected unit (Sites!)
- Links Make to Target unit: creates links from all selected
source units to a single target unit (under the mouse pointer)
- Links Make from Source unit: creates links from a single
source unit (under the mouse pointer) to all selected target units
- Links Make Double: doubles all links between the selected
units, i.e. generates two links (from source to target and from
target to source) from each single link) (Sites!)
- Links Make Invers: changes the direction of all links
between the selected units (Sites!)
- Links Delete Clique: deletes all links between all
selected units (Sites!)
- Links Delete to Target unit: deletes all incoming links
from a selected group of units to a single target unit (under the
mouse pointer) (Sites!)
- Links Delete from Source unit: deletes all outgoing links
from a single source unit (under the mouse pointer) to a selected
group of units (Sites!)
- Links Copy Input: copies all input links leading into the
selected group of units as new input links to the target unit (under
the mouse pointer) (Sites!)
- Links Copy Output: copies all output links starting from
the selected group of units as new output links of the source unit
(under the mouse pointer) (Sites!).
- Links Copy All: copies all input and output links from the
selected group of units as new input or output links to the unit under
the mouse pointer (Sites!)
- Links Copy Environment: copies all links between the
selected units and the TARGET unit to the actual unit, if there
exist units with the same relative distance (Sites!)
- Site Commands:
- Sites Add: add a site to all selected units
- Sites Delete: delete a site from all selected units
- Sites Copy with No links: copies the current site of the
Target unit to all selected units. Links are not copied
- Sites Copy with All links: ditto, but with all links
- Unit Commands:
- Units Freeze: freeze all selected units
- Units Unfreeze: reset freeze for all selected units
- Units Set Name: sets name to the name of Target
- Units Set io-Type: sets I/O type to the type of Target
- Units Set Activation: sets activation to the activation of
- Units Set Initial activation: sets initial activation to
the initial activation of Target
- Units Set Output: sets output to the output of
- Units Set Bias: sets bias to the bias of Target
- Units Set Function Activation: sets activation function.
Note: all selected units loose their default type (f-type)
- Units Set Function Output: sets output function
Note: all selected units loose their default type (f-type)
- Units Set Function Ftype: sets default type (f-type)
- Units Insert Default: inserts a unit with default values.
The unit has no links
- Units Insert Target: inserts a unit with the same values
as the Target unit. The unit has no links
- Units Insert Ftype: inserts a unit of a certain default
type (f-type) which is determined in a popup window
- Units Delete: deletes all selected units
- Units Move: all selected units are moved. The mouse
determines the destination position of the TARGET unit
(info-panel). The selected units and their position after the move are
shown as outlines.
- Units Copy ...: copies all selected units to a new
position. The mouse position determines the destination position of
the TARGET unit (info-panel).
- Units Copy All: copies all selected units with all
- Units Copy Input: copies all selected units with their
input links
- Units Copy Output: copies all selected units and their
output links
- Units Copy None: copies all selected units, but no links
- Units Copy Structure ...: copies all selected units and
the link structure between these units, i.e. a whole subnet is copied
- Units Copy Structure All: copies all selected units,
all links between them, and all input and output links to and from
these units
- Units Copy Structure Input: copies all selected units,
all links between
them, and all input links to these units
- Units Copy Structure Output: copies all selected units,
all links between them, and all output links from these units
- Units Copy Structure None: copies all selected units and
all links between them
- Units Copy Structure Back binding: copies all selected
units and all links between them and inserts additional links from the
new to the corresponding original units (Sites!)
- Units Copy Structure Forward binding: copies all selected
units and all links between them and inserts additional links from the
original to the corresponding new units (Sites!)
- Units Copy Structure Double binding: ditto, but inserts
additional links from the original to the new units and vice versa
- Mode Commands:
- Mode Units: unit mode, shortens command sequence if one
wants to work with unit commands only. All subsequences after the
Units command are valid then
- Mode Links: analogous to Mode Units, but for link
- Graphics Commands:
- Graphics All: redraws the local window
- Graphics Complete: redraws all windows
- Graphics Direction: draws all links from and to a unit
with arrows in the local window
- Graphics Links: redraws all links in the local window
- Graphics Move: moves the origin of the local window such
that the Target unit is displayed at the position of the mouse
- Graphics Origin: moves the origin of the local window to
the position indicated
- Graphics Grid: displays a graphic grid at the raster
positions in the local window
- Graphics Units: redraws all units in the local window
Next: Editor Commands
Up: Graphical Network Editor
Previous: Use of the
Tue Nov 28 10:30:44 MET 1995