01 - Board of Editors for the Journal of Network and Systems Management da Springer from 27/05/1996 to 30/12/2012.

02 - Senior Technical Editor for the Journal of Network and Systems Management da Springer from 2003 to 2011.

03 - Editorial Board of the  COMPUTER NETWORKS JOURNAL (The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, Former title: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems) da  Elsevier Computer Science, from 20/01/2004.

04 - Associate Editor for special edition of JCIS, in the area of Network Communications of the Journal of Communication and Information Systems (JCIS), formerly known as the Journal of the Brazilian Telecommunications Society (JBTS). From 2006 to 2011.

05 - Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Computing & Information Technology (IJCIT), since 10/2008.

06 - Editorial Board position (since 12/2008) for the International Journal of  Advanced Science and Technology. Bibliographic Information: ISSN: 2005-4238; Publisher: SERSC (Science & Engineering Research Support Center) Republic of Korea.

07 - Member of the Editorial Board (since 01/2009) of the "International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services" ISSN 1942-2644. The logistics work is handled by the IARIA logistics team.

08 - Member of the Editorial Board (since 01/2009) of the "International Journal On Advances in Telecommunications" ISSN 1942-2601. The logistics work is handled by the IARIA logistics team.

09 - Editorial board member (since 05/2009) of the ÒInternational Journal of Communication Networks and Information SecurityÓ IJCNIS ISSN 2073-607X. IJCNIS©:2009-Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST), Kohat-Pakistan.

10 - Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Applied Research on Information Technology and Computing (IJARITAC), since 10/2008.

11 - Editorial board member of the IARIA International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, since 01/2012.

12 – Editorial board member of the IEEE ComSoc Technology News (http://www.comsoc.org/ctn), since 01/2012.

13 - Member of the editorial board of the IJCSE International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE), published by Inderscience publishers, since 02/2012.

14 - Founding Editorial Board of the International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management (IJPHIM) since 04/2012.

15 – Editorial board member of Salesian Journal on Information Systems [Open Access Journal] since17/08/2012.

16 - Editor/reviewer of IJCSITA (International Journal of Computer Science Information Technology Applications) since 04/09/2012.

17 – Associate Editor for the International Journal of Network Management of John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Since 30/12/2012.



Third Special Issue on Security and Management

Guest-edited by Carlos Becker Westphall and Peter Mueller

79 papers  submitted and  5 papers accepted..


-       Summary for IEEE ComSoc Technology News for the paper: "RESTful Web Services for Service Provisioning in Next-Generation Networks: A Survey" at IEEE ComMag, Dec. 2011 (Invitation sent on Feb. 20, 2012).

-       Summary for IEEE ComSoc Technology News for the paper: "Optimization for Time-driven Link Sleeping Reconfigurations in ISP Backbone Networks" at IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2012 (Invitation sent on May 01, 2012).

-       Summary for IEEE ComSoc Technology News for the paper: "Leveraging Local Image Redundancy for Efficient Virtual Machine Provisioning" at IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2012. (Invitation sent on May 01, 2012).

-       Summary for IEEE ComSoc Technology News for the paper: " Monitoring and detecting abnormal behavior in mobile cloud infrastructure" at IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2012. (Invitation sent on Aug. 05, 2012).

-       Summary for IEEE ComSoc Technology News for the paper: " New models for long-term Internet traffic forecasting using artificial neural networks and flow base information" at IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2012. (Invitation sent on Nov. 25, 2012).