Publications (DBLP)
new Ronaldo dos Santos Mello ; Vania Bogorny ; Luis Otavio Alvares
; Luiz H. Z. Santana ; Carlos Andres Ferrero; Angelo Augusto Frozza; Geomar
Andre Schreiner; Chiara Renso: MASTER: A Multiple Aspect View on Trajectories.
Transactions in GIS, 2019 (accepted for publication).
2. new PETRY, L. M. ; FERRERO, C. A. ; ALVARES, Luis Otavio ; RENSO,
C. ; BOGORNY, V. Towards Semantic-Aware Multiple-Aspect Trajectory
Similarity Measuring.
Transactions in GIS, 2019 (accepeted for publication).
new Andre Luis Lehmann, Luis
Otavio Alvares, Vania Bogorny: SMSM: A Similarity Measure for trajectory Stops
and Moves. International
Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2019 (accepted for
publication). NEW
1. Andre
Salvaro Furtado; Laercio Pilla Lima; Vania Bogorny . A branch and bound strategy for Fast Trajectory
Similarity Measuring. Data & Knowledge
Engineering, v. 5, p. 1, 2018.
Carlos Andres Ferrero; Luis Otavio Alvares; Willian
Zalewski; Vania Bogorny. MOVELETS: Exploring
Relevant Subtrajectories for Robust Trajectory Classification. In: ACMSAC, 2018. Proceedings of the 33 Symposium on
Applied Computing, Pau, France, April 9-13, 2018.
Denis E. Sanches; Luis Otavio Alvares; Vania Bogorny;
M.R. Vieira; Daniel Kaster. A Top-Down
Algorithm with Free Distance Parameter for Mining Top-k Flock Patterns. In: AGILE, 2018, Suécia. Procedings of the 21st
International Conference on Geo-Information Science, 2018 (accepted for
Andre Salvaro Furtado, Luis Otávio Alvares, Nikos
Pelekis, Yannis Theodoridis, Vania Bogorny:
Unveiling movement uncertainty for robust trajectory
similarity analysis. International Journal of
Geographical Information Science 32(1): 140-168
Mateus Barragana; Luis Otavio Alvares ; Vania Bogorny. Unusual behavior detection and object ranking from
movement trajectories in target regions. International Journal of Geographical Information
Science, 31(2): 364-386 (2017).
Serhan Cosar; Giuseppe Donatiello; Vania Bogorny;
Carolina Garate; Luis Otavio Alvares; François Bremond. Towards Abnormal Trajectory and Event Detection in
Video Surveillance. IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, v. PP, p. 1-1, 2017
Francisco Javier Moreno Arboleda.; Holver Patino; Vania
Bogorny. SMOT+NCS: An algorithm for detecting
non-continuous stops.
Computing and Informatics, 2017
Francisco Javier Moreno Arboleda; Santiago Roman
Fernandez; Vania Bogorny. Towards Semantic
Trajectory Similarity Measuring.
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, v. 10, p. 1, 2017
Marco Aurelio Beber; Ferrero, Carlos Andres Ferrero; Renato
Fileto; Bogorny, Vania: Individual and Group Activity Recognition in
Moving Object Trajectories. JIDM 8(1): 50-66 (2017)
Francesco Lettich; , Luis Otavio Alvares; Vania Bogorny;
Salvatore Orlando; Alessandra Raffaeta; Claudio Silvestri. Detecting avoidance behaviors between moving
object trajectories. Data &
Knowledge Engineering, v. 102, p. 22-41, 2016
Andre Salvaro Furtado; Despina Kopanaki; Luis Otavio
Alvares; Vania Bogorny. Multidimensional
Similarity Measuring for Semantic Trajectories. Transactions in GIS (Print), v. 20, p. 280-298,
2016. software
Marco Antonio Beber; Carlos Andres Ferrero; Renato
Fileto; Vania Bogorny: Towards Activity Recognition in Moving Object
Trajectories from Twitter Data. In: GEOINFO 2016, pages
Carlos Andres Ferrero; Luis Otavio Alvares; Vania
Bogorny. Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Analysis: Research
Challenges and Opportunities.
In GEOINFO 2016, pages: 56-67
Areli Santos; Andre
Salvaro Furtado; Luis Otavio Alvares; Nikos Pelekis; Vania Bogorny. Inferring
Relationships from Trajectory Data. In: GEOINFO, 2015, Campos do Jordao.
Proceedings of the 16th Simposio Brasileiro de Geoinformatica, 2015. p.
15. Lucas
de Alencar; Luis Otavio Alvares; Chiara Renso; Alessandra Raffaeta; Vania
Bogorny. A Rule-based Method for Discovering
Trajectory Profiles. In: International
Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2015, Saint
Pitesburg. Proceedings of the International Conference on Software
Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. EUA: SEKE, 2015. p. 1-6.
Renato Fileto;
Vania Bogorny; Cleto May; Douglas Klein. Semantic enrichment and
analysis of movement data. SIGSPATIAL Special, v. 7, p. 11-18, 2015
17. Vania
Bogorny, Chiara Renso, Artur Ribeiro de Aquino, Fernando de Lucca Siqueira,
Luis Otávio Alvares: CONSTAnT - A Conceptual Data Model for Semantic
Trajectories of Moving Objects. T. GIS 18(1): 66-88 (2014)
Francisco Javier Moreno Arboleda, Andrés Felipe Pineda,
Renato Fileto, Vania Bogorny: SMoT+: Extending the SMoT Algorithm for
Discovering Stops in Nested Sites. Computing and Informatics 33(2):
327-342 (2014)
François Brémond, Vania Bogorny, Jose Luis Patino, Serhan
Cosar, Guido Pusiol, Giuseppe Donatiello: Monitoring People's Behaviour
using Video Analysis and Trajectory Clustering. ERCIM News 2014(98)
Eduardo Machado Carboni, Vania Bogorny . Inferring Drivers Behavior
through Trajectory Analysis.
In: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IEEE IS), 2014,
Warsaw. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.p. 837-848.
Christine Parent, Stefano Spaccapietra, Chiara Renso,
Gennady L. Andrienko, Natalia V. Andrienko, Vania Bogorny, Maria Luisa
Damiani, Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis, José Antônio Fernandes de Macêdo, Nikos
Pelekis, Yannis Theodoridis, Zhixian Yan: Semantic trajectories modeling
and analysis. ACM Comput. Surv. 45(4): 42 (2013)
Vitor Cunha Fontes, Lucas Andre de Alencar, Chiara Renso,
Vania Bogorny: Discovering
Trajectory Outliers between Regions of Interest. GeoInfo
2013: 49-60
23. Artur
Ribeiro de Aquino, Luis Otávio Alvares, Chiara Renso, Vania Bogorny: Towards
Semantic Trajectory Outlier Detection. GeoInfo 2013: 115-126
24. Salvatore
Rinzivillo, Fernando de Lucca Siqueira,
Lorenzo Gabrielli, Chiara Renso, Vania Bogorny: Where Have You Been
Today? Annotating Trajectories with DayTag. SSTD 2013: 467-471

25. Introdução
a Trajetórias de Objetos Móveis: conceitos, armazenamento e análise de
Vania Bogorny e Fernando Jose Braz (Eds.). Editora Univille. 2012, 116
Siqueira, F.L.; Bogorny, V. Discovering Chasing
Behavior Patterns in Moving Object Trajectories. In: Transactions in GIS,
Alvares,L.O.;Loy, A. M.;Renso,C.;Bogorny,V. An Algorithm to
Identify Avoidance Behavior in Moving Object Trajectories. In: JSBC, 2011.
Monreale, A.;Trasarti,R.; Pedreschi,D.; Renso, C.;
Bogorny, V. C-safety: a Framework for the Anonymization of Semantic
Trajectories. In: Transactions on Data Privacy.
Bogorny, V.; Avancini,H.; de Paula,B.C.; Kuplich,C.R.;
Alvares,L.O. Weka-STPM:
a Software Architecture and Prototype for Semantic Trajectory Data Mining
and Visualization. In: Transactions in GIS. pp.227 – 248, vol 15.
Vania Bogorny and Shashi Shekhar, Spatial and
Spatio-temporal Data Mining, Tutorial presented at ICDM 2010 (Sydney,
Bogorny, V.; Heuser, C.A; Alvares, L.O. A
conceptual data model for trajectory data mining. Sixth International Conference on Geographic
Information Science (GIScience 2010), 2010, Springer Verlag, pp1-15. (BIBTEX)
Manso, J. A; Times, V. C.; Oliveira, G.; Alvares, L.O.;
Bogorny, V. DB-SMoT: a
Direction-based spatio-temporal clustering method. Fifth IEEE International
Conference on Intelligent Systems (IEEE IS 2010), 2010, (BIBTEX)
Bogorny, V.; Valiati, J.F.; Alvares, L.O. Semantic-based
pruning of redundant and uninteresting frequent geographic patterns. In: Geoinformatica. Springer, pp.201-220, vol 14(2). (BIBTEX).
Alvares, Luis O. ; PALMA, Andrey ; Oliveira, G. ;
from trajectory samples to semantic trajectories. In: Workshop de Sofware Livre, 2010, Porto Alegre. WSL,
Anna Monreale, Roberto Trasarti,
Chiara Renso, Dino Pedreschi, Vania Bogorny. Preserving
Privacy in Semantic-Rich Trajectories of Human Mobility, SPRINGL (3rd
ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Security and Privacy in GIS and
LBS), 2010.
Bruno Neiva Moreno, Valeria Cesario
Times, Chiara Renso, Vania Bogorny.
Looking Inside the Stops of Trajectories of Moving
37. Alisson Moscato Loy, Vania Bogorny, Chiara Renso, Luis
Otavio Alvares. Um algoritmo para identificar padrões
comportamentais do tipo avoidance em trajetórias de objetos móveis, GEOINFO
38. Bogorny,
V.; Kuijpers, B.; Alvares, L.O. ST-DMQL:
A Semantic Trajectory Data Mining Query Language. In: International Journal of Geographical Information
Science. Taylor and Francis . pp.1245 – 1276,
vol 23 (10) (BIBTEX).
39. Alvares,
L.O, Oliveira, G., Heuser, C.A., Bogorny, V. A
framework for Trajectory Data Preprocessing for Data Mining. In: SEKE (21st International Symposium on Software
Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. Pp. 698-702. (BIBTEX).
Chiechelski G. O. and Bogorny V. An Extension of
PostGIS for the Automatic Generation of Semantic Trajectories.
In: 10th International Workshop on Free Software. (in Portuguese).
Medeiros, I., Bogorny, V., Álvares, L.O. Descoberta de Posições Táticas em Ambientes Virtuais com
a Utilização de Agrupamentos Espaço-Temporais
(Ivan Medeiros Monteiro, Vania Bogorny and Luis Otavio Alvares),
Proc. of the VII Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment,
2009. p. 45-48. (in Portuguese)
Bogorny, V. and Shekhar S. Tutorial on
Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining In: SBBD 2008. BIBTEX
Bogorny, V. and Wachowicz, M. A
Framework for Context-Aware Trajectory Data Mining. In:
Longbing Cao, Philip S. Yu, Chengqi Ahang, Huaifeng Zhang. (Org.). Data
Mining for Business Applications. Springer, 2008.
Palma, A. T; Bogorny, V.; Kuijpers, B.; Alvares, L.O. A
Clustering-based Approach for Discovering Interesting Places in
Trajectories. In: 23rd Annual Symposium
on Applied Computing, (ACM-SAC'08), Fortaleza, Ceara, 16-20 March (2008)
Brazil. pp. 863-868.
Bogorny, V.; Kuijpers, B.; Alvares, L.O.: Reducing
Uninteresting Spatial Association Rules in Geographic Databases using
Background Knowledge: a Summary of Results. In: IJGIS
International Journal of Geographical Information Science (2008). Taylor
and Francis, VOL 22, pp. 361-386.
Bogorny, V.; Kuijpers, B.; Alvares, L.O.: A
Spatio-temporal Data Mining Query Language for Moving Object Trajectories.
In: UFRGS, Brazil, Technical Report T-357, pages 22, 2008.
**AWARD** Best 2006 Brazilian PhD
Thesis Award. Enchancing
Spatial Association Rule Mining in Geographic Databases.
In: 27th Brazilian Computer Society Conference.
Alvares,L. O.; Bogorny, V.; Kuijpers, B.; Macedo, J. A.
F.; Moelans, B.; Vaisman, A. A Model
for Enriching Trajectories with Semantic Geographical Information.
In: Proc. of the ACM 15th International Symposium on
Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS'07), Seattle,
Washingthon, 7-9 November (2007), pp. 162-169.
Alvares,L. O.; Bogorny, V.; Macedo, J. A. F.; Moelans,
B.; Spaccapietra, S. Dynamic
Modeling of Trajectory Patterns using Data Mining and Reverse Engineering.
In: Proc. of the 28th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling
(ER'07) - Tutorials, Posters, Panels and Industrial Contributions,
Auckland, New Zealand, 5-9 November (2007). pp. 149-154.
Bogorny,V.; Engel, P.; Alvares, L.O. Enhancing
the Process of Knowledge Discovery in Geographic Databases using
Geo-Ontologies (Chapter IX). In:
NIGRO, H. O., CISARO, S.G., XODO, D. (Ed.). Data
Mining with Ontologies: Implementations, Findings, and Frameworks. Idea
Group Inc. (2007). pp. 160-181.
Salvatore Rinzivillo, Franco Turini, Vania Bogorny,
Christine Koerner, Bart Kuijpers, Michael May. Knowledge
Discovery from Geographical Data (Chapter 9). In:
GIANNOTTI, F. and PEDRESCHI, D. (Ed.). Mobility, Data Mining, and Privacy:
Geographic Knoweledge Discovery, Springer-Verlag, (2007) (in press).
Bogorny,V.; Moelans, B.; Alvares, L.O. Filtering
frequent geographic patterns with qualitative spatial reasoning.
In: Proc. of the IEEE ICDE International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Data
Mining (STDM'07). Istambul (2007).
Bogorny,V.; Palma, A.; Kuijpers, B.; Alvares, L.O. Spatial
Data Mining: From Theory to Practice with Free Software. In: Proc. of WSL International Workshop on Free Software
(WSL'07). Porto Alegre (2007).
Alvares,L.O.; Bogorny, V.; Palma, A.; Kuijpers, B.;
Moelans, B.; Macedo,J.A.F. Towards
Semantic Trajectory Knowledge Discovery. In: Technical Report, Hasselt University, Belgium,
October (2007).
Bogorny,V. Enchancing
spatial association rule mining in geographic databases.
PhD Thesis, Instituto de Informatica da UFRGS, Brazil, October 2006.
Bogorny, V.; Valiati, J.; Camargo, S.; Engel, P.;
Kuijpers, B.; Alvares, L.O. Mining
Maximal Generalized Frequent Geographic Patterns with Knowledge
Constraints. In: Proc. of the 6rd
IEEE International Conference On Data Mining - (IEEE-ICDM'06),Hong Kong,
December, pp.813-817).
Bogorny,V.; Camargo, S.; Engel, P.; Alvares, L.O. Mining
Frequent Geographic Patterns with Knowledge Constraints. In: Proc. of the ACM 14th International
Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS'06),
Arlington, USA, November 10-11. (2006). pp.139-146.
Bogorny,V.; Camargo, S.; Engel, P.; Alvares, L.O. Towards
Elimination of Well Known Geographic Patterns in Spatial Association Rule
Mining. In: Proc. of the 3rd
IEEE International Conference On Intelligent Systems - (IEEE-IS'06),
London, UK, September(2006). pp. 532-537. **Selected for a special post
conference volume to be published by Springer Verlag in 2007**.
Bogorny,V.; Engel, P.; Alvares, L.O. GeoARM: an
Interoperable Framework to Improve Geographic Data Pre-processing and
Spatial Association Rule Mining.
In: Proc. of the 18th International Conference on Software
Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'06), San Francisco, USA, July
(2006). pp.79-84.
Bogorny,V.; Palma, A.; Engel, P.; Alvares, L.O. Weka-GDPM:
Integrating Classical Data Mining Toolkit to Geographic Information
Systems. In: SBBD Workshop on Data
Mining Algorithms and Aplications(WAAMD'06), Florianopolis, Brazil, October
16-20, (2006). pp.9-16.
61. Bogorny,V.;
Palma, A.; Alvares, L.O. Extending
the Weka Data Mining Toolkit to support Geographic Data Preprocessing. Instituto de Informatica - UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Technical
Report – RP-354 (2006). pp.26.
Bogorny,V.; Engel, P.; Alvares, L.O. A
Reuse-Based Spatial Data Preparation Framework for Data Mining. In: Proc of the 17th International Conference
on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'05). July, 2005.
Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China(2005). pp.649-652.
Bogorny, V.; Engel, P.; Alvares, L.O. Towards the
Reduction of Spatial Join for Knowledge Discovery in Geographic Databases
using Geo-Ontologies and Spatial Integrity Constraints. In: Proc. of the ECML/PKDD Second Workshop on Knowledge
Discovery and Ontologies (KDO'2005), Porto, Portugal (2005) pp.51-58.
Bogorny,V.; Engel, P.; Alvares, L.O. Spatial
Data Preparation for Knowledge Discovery. In: I IFIP ACADEMY ON THE STATE OF SOFTWARE THEORY AND
PRACTICE - PhD COLLOQUIUM. Porto Alegre,Brazil (2005).
Bogorny, V.; Alvares, L.O. Geographic
Data Representation for Knowledge Discovery. Technical Report. UFRGS. RP-349, Porto Alegre, Brazil,
(2005) pp.32.
Before 2005
Bogorny,V.; Nievinski, F.; Bigolin, N. A Spatial
Data Model for the Integration of Public Health Data. In:
International Workshop on Free Sofware. Porto Alegre: SBC, 2003. v.IV.
pp.119-122. (in Portuguese).
Bigolin, N.; Bogorny, V.; Alvares,Luis Otávio. A Query
Language for Data Mining in Object Oriented Spatial Databases.
In: Clei XXIV - Conferência LatinoAmericana de
Informática. La Paz: Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, 2003. (in Portuguese).
Bogorny,V. Algorithms
and Tools for Knowledge Discovery in Geographic Databases.
UFRGS,TI-III 1120, Research Report, 2003, pp.43 (In Portuguese).
Bogorny,V.; at Al. Development
of a GIS for Public Health with Free Software. In:
International Workshop on Free Sofware. Porto Alegre: PUC, 2002. (in
Bogorny,V..; Iochpe, Cirano. Extending
the OGC Abstract Data Model to Support Topological Constraints.
In: Brazilian Symposium on Databases. Rio de Janeiro: SBBD v.XVI, 2001. pp.
25-39 (In Portuguese).
Bogorny, V..; Iochpe, Cirano. Incorporating
Support to Spatial Constraints in the OGC Abstract Model.
In: GISBrasil. Curitiba, 2001. (In Portuguese).