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The 9th International Information and Telecommunication Technologies Symposium to be held in Rio de Janeiro City, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, is a multi-disciplinary forum for novel research contributions that advances the state of the art in the design, development, deployment and evaluation for the understanding of telecommunication and information technology systems. The I2TS 2010 program features keynotes and technical paper sessions. In this year I2TS provides an Academy or Sponsor Corporate Showcases which intends to present several activities such as specialized workshops, tools, tutorials, lectures, doctoral colloquium, and corporate projects and services. For undergraduate students, shortcourses will be offered and the best undergraduate final work selected will be awarded and presented. The first, second and third portuguese and english regular papers will be selected and receive the golden, silver and bronze certificate awards, respectively. Authors of these best regular papers are invited to submit extended version to IEEE R9 Latin America Transactions, internationally indexed by IEEE Xplore. The I2TS Qualis-CAPES is B1 (telecommunication committee) and B4 (computer science comittee) equivalent to the best national events. I2TS 2010 will be provided with an ISBN in hard copy proceedings and another ISBN for CD proceeding.
General Co-Chairs Azzedine Boukerche (University of Ottawa, Canada) Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Technical Program Committee Chair Co-Chairs Ronaldo Moreira Salles (IME, Brazil) Eugênia Giancolli (IFET Sudeste MG, Brazil) Local Arrangement Chair Morganna C. Diniz (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State - UniRio, Brazil)
Given its multi-disciplinary nature, I2TS intends to provide a broad range of topics for audience communities in: Telecommunication and Wireless Networks, Computer Networks, Real Time and Distributed Systems, Information Security, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Free Software, Databases Research and Data Mining applied to Telecommunications, Intelligent Systems, Telemedicine and Information Systems and Medical Applications, Bioinformatics and Technologies, Information Technoloy for Education, Computer Graphics and Visualization and Enterprise Research and Development for Innovative Technologies. I2TS serves as an international forum for people from academia, industry, research laboratories, for presenting recent research results in information and telecommunication technologies and applications. We are seeking to receive your innovative contributions and look forward to welcome you on December 13-15, 2010, at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State (UniRio) in Rio de Janeiro City, Brazil. |