Overview of AIMA Code
This serves as the starting point for exploring the online code for
Intelligence: A Modern Approach. You can see:
The Software License Agreement
for the code (you can use it for whatever you want).
A User's Guide to the Lisp code.
An Installation Guide.
An alphabetical index of all names in the code.
The Lisp source code itself as a browsable directory.
See the section on
organization of the
code for a discussion of how each of the following eight subsystems
are organized into subdirectories.
Utilities: Basic functions that are
loaded every time, and used by many other systems.
Agents: Code from Part I: Agents and
Search: Code from Part II: Problem Solving
and Search
Logic: Code from Part III: Logic, Inference,
and Knowledge Representation
Planning: Code from Part IV: Planning
and Acting
Uncertainty: Code from Part V:
Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning
Learning: Code from Part VI: Learning
Language: Code from Part VII, Chapters
22-23: Natural Language and Communication