IFIP WG3.2 Working Conference on Informatics Curricula, Teaching Methods and Best Practice - ICTEM 2002 Florianópolis - Brazil 10-12 July, 2002 |
Conference Program
Tuesday, 9 July
17:00-18:00 Meeting of Working Group Chairs and Rapporteurs
Wednesday, 10 July
Room 1 |
Room 2 |
Room 3 |
8h30-9h35 |
Opening and Keynote Eric Roberts |
9h35-10h00 |
Break |
10h00-11h15 |
Theme Papers |
11h15-12h30 |
WG 1 - session 1 |
WG 2 - session 1 |
WG 3 - session 1 |
12h30-13h45 |
Lunch |
13h45-15h00 |
Theme Papers |
15h00-15h30 |
Break |
15h30-17h30 |
WG1 - session 2 |
WG 2 - session 2 |
WG 3 - session 2 |
8:30-9:35 Opening and keynote: Eric Roberts, CC2001 and the challenge of defining an international curriculum.
9:35-10:00 Break
10:00-10:25 Theme paper: Luiz Merkle & Robert Mercer, Variations in computing science’s disciplinary diversity: The case of curricula recommendations.
10:25-10:50 Theme paper: Fred Mulder, Karel Lemmen, & Maartin van Veen, Variety in views of university curriculum schemes for informatics/computing/ICT.
10:50-11:15 Theme paper: Ralf Denzer, A computing program for scientists and engineers – What is the core of computing?
11:15-12:30 Working group sessions 1 (introductions, overview) (breakout)
12:30-13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:10 Theme paper: Andrew McGettrick, Benchmark standards for computing in the UK.
14:10-14:35 Theme paper: Douglas Blank & Deepak Kumar, Patterns of curriculum design.
14:35-15:00 Theme paper: Torsten Brinda, Student experiments in object-oriented modelling.
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-17:30 Working group sessions 2 (paper presentations) (breakout)
Working group 1 papers:
Working group 2 papers:
Working group 3 papers:
Thursday, 11 July
Room 1 |
Room 2 |
Room 3 |
8h30-10h00 |
WG 1 - session 3 |
WG 2 - session 3 |
WG 3 - session 3 |
10h00-10h30 |
Break |
10h30-11h15 |
Keynote - Juan Alvarez |
11h15-12h30 |
Theme Papers |
12h30-14h00 |
Lunch |
14h00-15h40 |
WG1 - session 4 |
WG 2 - session 4 |
WG 3 - session 4 |
15h40-16h00 |
Break |
16h00-17h30 |
WG1 - session 5 |
WG 2 - session 5 |
WG 3 - session 5 |
17h30-18h30 |
IFIP WG3.2 Meeting |
18h30-19h30 |
Break |
19h30-21h00 |
Banquet |
8:30-10:00 Working group sessions 3 (completion of papers, begin discussions) (breakout)
Working group 1 papers:
10:00-10:30 Break
10:30-11:15 Keynote: Juan Alverez, Innovations in objectives, contents, methodology, and evaluation in a first and massive computing course.
11:15-11:40 Theme paper: Elliot Koffman, Input/output for a CS1 course in Java.
11:40-12:05 Theme paper: Raul Wazlawick & Antonio Mariani, Programming strategies using an actor-based environment.
12:05-12:30 Theme paper: Peter Van Roy & Seif Haridi, Teaching programming broadly and deeply: The kernel language approach.
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:40 Working group sessions 4 (discussion) (breakout)
15:40-16:00 Break
16:00-17:30 Working group sessions 5 (breakout) (discussion and formulation of preliminary report)
17:30-18:30 IFIP WG3.2 Meeting (for members and interested guests)
18:30-19:30 Break
19:30-21:00 Banquet
Friday, 12 July
Room 1 |
Room 2 |
Room 3 |
8h30-10h10 |
Theme Papers |
10h10-10h30 |
Break |
10h30-12h00 |
WG Preliminary Reports |
12h00-12h30 |
WG 1 - session 6 |
WG 2 - session 6 |
WG 3 - session 6 |
12h30-14h00 |
Lunch |
14h00-15h30 |
Final WG Session |
15h30-16h30 |
WG Final Reports |
8:30-8:55 Theme paper: Dilvan Moreira & Elaine da Silva, A method to increase student interaction using student groups and peer review over the internet.
8:55-9:20 Theme paper: Vinicius Kern, Luciana Saraiva, & Roberto Pacheco, Peer review in education.
9:20-9:45 Theme paper: Amruth Kumar, Learning programming by solving problems.
9:45-10:10 Theme paper: Joberto Martins, Guilherme Neto, & Sérgio Brito, Interdisciplinary and flexible curricula practices in electric and telecommunications engineering – A case study.
10:10-10:30 Break
10:30-12:00 Working group preliminary reports and discussion (plenary)
12:00-12:30 Working group sessions 6 (breakout - discussion of possible revisions)
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Final working group session (breakout)
15:30-16:30 Working group final reports and conference adjournment (plenary)